Southwire's Project GIFT® Hosts Annual Walk for Water Events in Support of Water Mission

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May 15, 2024

Southwire’s Project GIFT® recently partnered with Water Mission to host Walk for Water events across the company. Approximately 300 team members participated in the events this year collecting more than $52,000 in donations. 

The Walk for Water event raises awareness for the global water crisis, and at the event, participants walk a course that is roughly the same length as the daily route that many people around the world take to get fresh water each day.  

According to the Water Mission website, two billion people around the world lack access to safe water, and the non-profit organization — founded in 2001 — strives to end the global water crisis by bringing clean, fresh water to those in less fortunate circumstances.

“We’d like to thank Southwire for their generosity and participation in coming together to make a difference for our global neighbors by helping us provide access to safe water,” said Heather Fleming, community walk program specialist at Water Mission. “Your commitment has made an immeasurable impact on countless lives.” 

Throughout the month of April, Southwire facilities in Bremen, Ind.; Carrollton, Ga.; Denton, Texas; Youngsville, NC; Canada and Honduras hosted walks in their communities as part of a large signature effort across the company to get involved with Water Mission.

“Walk for Water is such a special event, and our Southwire team members and communities are instrumental in making this event a success,” said Stefanie Anderson, senior giving back specialist. “Not only are we raising money to help Water Mission, but the experience of walking three miles in the shoes of our global neighbors really brings to the light the struggles that so many people still face today.” 

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Access to safe water can be life-changing – providing help and hope while creating educational and economic opportunities that break the cycle of poverty. Throughout the world, billions of people have no choice but to use contaminated water, exposing them to dangerous water-related illnesses. 

Every dollar Southwire raised goes directly back into Water Mission's efforts in Honduras and Mexico. Southwire and Water Mission have worked together to designate funds raised through this event to these two areas, as Southwire has operations and an existing Giving Back presence in both countries. 

“The route we took was very busy since it’s considered an intense exercise route due to the steepness of the terrain. The people who were climbing curiously asked about the water canisters,” said Ana Henriquez, People and Culture manager at Southwire’s Honduras Plant. “Our team members were proud to explain to them the meaning of why we were walking with buckets of water and that the funds raised were intended to benefit communities without drinking water in Honduras.”

Project GIFT's Walk for Water is made possible thanks to the generosity of many community sponsors including the University of West Georgia, MedImpact, 3:16 Healthcare, Times-Georgian, New Leaf Marketing, Gradick Communications, Phoenix Wood Products, Heart Wood Products, Jason Templeton State Farm and Tisinger Vance.  

Creating shared value is at the heart of our commitment to Giving Back. To learn more about Southwire’s Giving Back initiative and strategy, click here. For more Southwire news, visit