Southwire’s 600 Volt Type MC-HL Armor-X® power cables are suited for use in wet and dry areas, conduits, ducts, troughs, trays, direct burial, aerial supported by a messenger, and where superior electrical properties are desired. These cables are capable of operating continuously at the conductor temperature not in excess of 90°C for normal operation in wet and dry locations, 130°C for emergency overload, 250°C for short circuit conditions, and -50°C for cold bend. For uses in Class I, II, and III, Division 1 and 2 hazardous locations per NEC Article 501, 502, and 503. Suitable for VFD application.
Cond. Size | 350 KCMIL 350 KCMIL | |
Cond. Strands | 37 37 | |
Diameter Over Conductor (in) (cm) | 0.661 1.68 | inch cm |
Insulation Thickness (mils) (mm) | 65 1.65 | mils mm |
Diameter Over Armor (in) (cm) | 2.040 5.18 | inch cm |
Jacket Thickness (mils) (mm) | 60 1.52 | mils mm |
Approx. OD (in) (cm) | 2.166 5.50 | inch cm |
Approx. Weight (lbs/1000') (kgs/km) | 4535 6749 | lbs/1000' kgs/km |
Max Pull Tension (lbs) (kg) | 8400 3810.17 | lbs kg |
Min. Bend Radius (in) (cm) | 15.2 38.61 | inch cm |