Southwire Certified WIR Files

Southwire Certified WIR Files

Thank you for your interest in using Southwire Certified conductor WIR files in your PLS-CADD™ calculations. Stress-strain and creep coefficients contained in these WIR files are based on data from tests conducted by Southwire and, to a lesser extent, independent labs under Southwire contract. These WIR files provide the most accurate modeling for recent-production Southwire conductors.

Southwire WIR files for Max Ice™ and C7® Overhead Conductor are available on the PLS-CADD website at These WIR files are also based on data from Southwire tests.

Conductor behavior will change among different conductor manufacturers due to differences in material, equipment, and manufacturing methods. Accordingly, we recommend use of manufacturer-specific conductor data for line designs. Southwire expressly prohibits use of Southwire WIR files for conductor from other manufacturers, as the results may not properly represent the conductor behavior. For non-Southwire conductors, please contact the conductor manufacturer for design information.

The data contained in Southwire WIR files is confidential and proprietary to Southwire Company, LLC and is for use in association with Southwire products only. You may not disclose, distribute, or copy these files without the express written consent of Southwire Company, LLC.

To receive Southwire Certified WIR files for Southwire conductors, please fill out the registration form below. After providing the appropriate information, someone will respond to you with a ZIP file containing the Southwire Certified WIR files.
Certified WIR Files Registration Form
** Note: WIR files may be periodically updated. Additionally, new Southwire Certified WIR files will be released as new stress-strain and creep data are available.