SPEC: 10026

12 SOL SD CU SIMpull (TM) THHN-THWN-2 RED 15000 FT

Southwire #: 58027301

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Application & Features

The SIMpull BARREL™ Cable Drum reduces the physical effort associated with material handling, setup, and pulling when compared to conventional wire pulling methods. Designed to simplify branch circuit installations, the SIMpull BARREL™ Cable Drum contains up to 7 paralleled conductors per BARREL (homerun), increasing productivity and reducing the potential for injury while avoiding broken spools, excess material handling and scrap.

  • Easier pulling with SIMpull NoLube® wire jacket.
  • Stationary package design to further reduce pulling tension.
  • Designed to help lower potential for lifting/handling/pulling injuries.
  • Patented parallel construction to reduce material handling and setup.
  • Avoid broken spools and spool over-turn.
  • Specifications

    Cond. Size 12 AWG 12 AWG
    Conductor Number 1 1
    Cond. Strands Solid Solid
    Diameter Over Conductor (in) (cm) 0.080 0.20 inch cm
    Insulation Thickness (mils) (mm) 15 0.38 mils mm
    Jacket Thickness (mils) (mm) 5 0.13 mils mm
    Approx. OD (in) (cm) 0.368 0.93 inch cm
    Copper Weight (lbs/1000') (kgs/km) 59 88 lbs/1000' kgs/km
    Approx. Weight (lbs/1000') (kgs/km) 70 104 lbs/1000' kgs/km

    Standards & References

    • ASTM B3 Soft or Annealed Copper Wire
    • ASTM B787 19 Wire Combination Unilay-Stranded Copper Conductors
    • UL 83 Thermoplastic Insulated Wires and Cables
    • NMX-J-010-ANCE Thermoplastic insulated wires and cables
    • NOM-063-SCFI Electrical Products – Conductors – Safety Requirements


    1. Conductor: Solid soft drawn bare copper per ASTM B3 or combination-unilay stranded soft drawn bare copper per ASTM B787
    2. Insulation: Heat and moisture resistant PVC insulation in various colors
    3. Sheath: Nylon jacket utilizing SIMpull Technology