SAG10® Software

Extending our lines to your desktop

SAG10® Software

The industry standard for sag-tension calculation software.

Now, more powerful that ever.

Introducing SAG10® Version 4.1

Industry-leading software. SAG10 software, a play on words for SAG-TEN (TENSION), is widely recognized as the industry standard for overhead conductor sag- tension calculations, utilizing the Alcoa Graphic Method. Southwire’s SAG10 software is a Windows-based, user- friendly application powered by more than 80 years of expertise in sag-tension calculations.

It’s time to upgrade to the most advanced
sag-tension software ever.

New, easy-to-use features allow you to work smarter and faster.
• Southwire Certified stress-strain charts
• Compatible with Windows 11, 64 Bit
• One-click software and data updater
• Single and multiple PLS-CADD file output
• Easy-to-use menu-driven Interface
• Optimized U.S./Metric units and conversions
• User licenses starting at $5,000

Utility experience you can trust. Southwire’s SAG10 software combines more than 80 years of sag-tension calculating experience with over 65 years of conductor design and manufacturing expertise to deliver an unequalled design tool.

Designed and tested by engineers, for engineers. Our engineers know first hand that today’s demanding design criteria require software and expertise you can count on. That’s why they’ve designed new features into SAG10 Version 4.1 with you in mind

Application Features
Compatible with the Windows 11 operating system
  • It is compatible with XP through Windows11 both 32 and 64-bit systems.
    * Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Flexible licensing options
  • Single user licenses with both PC and laptop install
  • Concurrent licenses with per seat licensing
Annual maintenance contract
  • Automated software and data updates
  • Technical support through phone and email
Updated data, units, and methods
  • Updated conductor data
  • Easily export Power Line Systems, Inc. (PLS-CADD®) files
  • Updated U.S./Metric units and conversions
  • Improved performance and reliability
  • Automated stress-strain chart selection using logic algorithms
  • Calculation optimization – Rounding only for displayed values, unit conversions made only for display
  • Updated load tables per the "NESC 2023 w/ Warm Islands" and RUS 2009
  • "No Load" type optional calculation display
  • °C/°F unit selection in Edit Loading Table screen
Enhanced, easy-to-use menu-driven interface
  • Conductor types are in drop-down format and better grouped for easy selection
  • Enhanced Loading Table Editor, including simplified loading limit entry
  • Edit and save Glazed and Rime Ice Densities
  • Save ADSS conductors to Custom and in project files
  • View graphs of stress-strain charts

Improved Sag-Tension Reports

  • Both °C and °F units
  • Added loading limits table
SAG10 Calculation Features
  • Alcoa Graphic Method for Sag Tension Calculations for ACSR and Other Conductors
  • Sag and tension with creep
  • Elevated temperature creep
  • Inclined span calculation
  • Stringing sag calculation
  • Graphic output of galloping ellipses and sag curves
  • Offset clipping calculation
  • Clash module for calculating clearance between conductors and ADSS conductor
  • Galloping calculations
  • Ruling span variation calculations
Other SAG10 Features
  • Create, save, and open project files
  • Create, edit and save custom loading tables
  • Automatic creep check
  • Easily create, save, and edit Custom conductors
  • Add attachments and supported loads to conductors
Single-User License - $5,000
Install and use the Software on a PC and laptop for one Licensee.
Two-User License - $7,500
Licensee may install and use the Licensed Program on one PC or laptop.

Concurrent License - Up to $30,000

Two (2) Seats – $10,000
Five (5) Seats – $12,000
Ten (10) Seats – $18,000
Unlimited Seats – $30,000

Licensee may install and use the Licensed Program on any number of computers, but the Licensed Program may be used concurrently only by a specific number of Users based on the number of seats purchased.

NOTE: If an internet connection is not possible, please contact us at 1-877-797-2410 – Option 1 (Ordering or Upgrading) for additional licensing options.

See the EULA for full license terms and conditions.

Annual Maintenance Contract - 10% of license cost

Maintenance includes phone and email support, data updates, and software updates

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** Note: WIR files may be periodically updated. Additionally, new Southwire Certified WIR files will be released as new stress-strain and creep data are available.

WELCOME TO THE SAG10® Software Support CENTER!

Please use the navigation below to learn more.

No matter what question or concern you have about Southwire’s SAG10 software, we can help. You can also reach us between the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Monday-Friday at 1-877-797-2410 (1-877-SWSAG10).

A Maintenance Contract is required to receive phone/email support after the initial 30-day support period included with purchase of a license. Phone/email support may be used for questions regarding installation/operation, sales and orders, and use of the software.

If a Maintenance Contract is not purchased, phone/email support and updates will last for thirty (30) days from the time of order delivery.


For SAG10 Version 4.0.6, you will find a new version of the User’s Manual below. Old versions are also included.

The Installation Guide provides detailed instructions for installing SAG10 Version 4.0.6 and registering a license.

In addition to the following links, the EULA and Maintenance Agreement can also be accessed in the software.

Over its many years of use, the SAG10 product team at ACA Conductor amassed a broad collection of content, including extensive appendices. These documents have been updated and included below for your reference. New appendices will be generated as we further enhance the software.

All support documents related to Vibrec remain the property of AFL Global and can be found on their website at

Legacy Appendices M, N, O and U are no longer relevant or available.


Appendix A – Chart Logic
Appendix B – Error Messages
Appendix C – Determining Sag-Tension on Single Span, No Original Design
Appendix D – Determining Sag-Tension on Single Span, Original Design Known

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What's new in Southwire's SAG10 Version 4.1?
    • Version 4.1 has many new features and fixes. Find out more about our new features above.

  2. What type of license do I get if I don't have an internet connection?
    • If an internet connection is not possible, please contact us at 1-877-797-2410 (1-877-SWSAG10) – Option 1 (Ordering or Upgrading) for additional licensing options.

  3. Where can I see a demo of Southwire's SAG10 software?
    • We do not currently have a demo video of the software, but you may download and install the Trial Version.

  4. How do you upgrade from a SAG10 Version 4.1 Single User license to a Concurrent license?
    • Custom upgrades are available. Call sales support at 1-877-797-2410 (1-877-SWSAG10) – Option 1 (Ordering or Upgrading).

  5. Can I purchase Southwire's SAG10 software by check?
    • Yes. Please call 1-877-797-2410 (1-877-SWSAG10) – Option 1 (Ordering or Upgrading).

  6. How do we update our company contact person for SAG10 support?
    • Call 1-877-797-2410 (1-877-SWSAG10) – Option 1 (Ordering or Upgrading) or use Contact Us and specify “Purchase, Sales or Licensing” in the Category field.

  7. What are the system requirements for SAG10 Version 4.1?
    • The Windows® XP operating system or higher.
    • 90 MHz (Pentium® III or equivalent processor recommended
    • 16 MB RAM (128 MB recommended)
    • 30 MB hard disk space

  8. Is Adobe Flash required to run Southwire's SAG10 software?
    • No. Previous versions of the SAG10 software had Adobe Flash dependency, but SAG10 Version 4.1 does not.

  9. Does Southwire's SAG10 software operate on the Windows Vista operating system?
    • We have not tested SAG10 Version 4.1 on Windows Vista but see no reason why the application would not run on this platform.

  10. How do I get help using certain routines in the SAG10 program?
    • Call SAG10 technical support at 1-877-797-2410 (1-877-SWSAG10) – Option 3 (Using SAG10).

  11. How do I determine the SAG10 version number on my computer?
    • Click on Help => About SAG10 from the Main Menu.

  12. Why won't my old ACA project files load?
    • Southwire has attempted to maintain compatibility with prior saved project files, but prior versions of the SAG10 software did not always save the project information correctly. In fact, sometimes they would not even load in the ACA versions. You may be requested to re-enter data that the SAG10 program does not recognize, or you may have to re-build your SAG10 project to have the data store correctly.

  13. What can I do to fix the appearance of the software at high resolution?
    • The software may look different based on your monitor resolution. If you are having problems reading screens, please set your monitor to a lower resolution.

  14. How do I access the Elevated Temperature feature?
    • The Elevated Temperature panel is under Tools => Options. Note: this option does not apply to ACSS.

  15. What are stress-strain charts?
    • Stress-stain charts contain the mathematical model of the conductor elongation (strain) response to tension (stress). The charts contain polynomial models of the initial and creep stress-strain, final modulus, thermal elongation, and test temperature data needed for the sag tension calculations.

  16. How do I determine what stress-strain charts are furnished with the SAG10 software?
    • Click on Tools => Chart Explorer. For earlier versions of the SAG10 software, refer to Appendix A: Chart Logic .

  17. We have a conductor that is not listed in the SAG10 database. How can we obtain the necessary stress-strain chart?
    • Contact your conductor supplier for information on conductors not listed in the SAG10 database.

  18. We are using a new conductor and have been provided stress-strain data. How do we get the necessary chart?
    • From the Main Menu, select Tools => Chart Explorer. From this screen, select Add to add a new chart. Fill in your information and save the chart to the database.

  19. How does one get help when an error message is displayed?
    • Refer to Appendix B: Error Messages under Documentation. If this does not help, call SAG10 technical support at 1-877-797-2410 (1-877-SWSAG10) – Option 3 (Using SAG10).

  20. Why does the SAG10 program automatically add a row with 60°F and Creep to a Loadings Table?
    • This is the creep check. Creep is the non-elastic, non-recoverable stretch of tensioned material over time, which affects final sags and tensions. It is needed to calculate accurate final sags and tension.

  21. How can I run a vibration calculation?
    • Southwire did not acquire the Vibrec vibration modeling software with the SAG10 program. AFL Global kept the rights to this software. It is available for download from AFL Global at

  22. What versions of the SAG10 software are currently supported?
    • Versions 3.10 or higher. The SAG10 v3.10 Support page provides the extent of support of SAG10 Version 3.10. Installation issues for SAG10 Version 3.10 will not be supported by our technical support group.

  23. Will the project files saved in SAG10 Version 3.10 load?    
    • Yes, both .s10 and .prf files will load correctly.

  24. Can I transfer Custom conductors built in SAG10 Version 3.10 to SAG10 Version 4.1?
    • No, any custom conductors will have to be rebuilt in Southwire’s SAG10 Version 4.1. Please see the User’s Manual for details on how to create, edit, and delete custom conductor constructions.

Versions History

SAG10 Version 3.10.10 can be downloaded here.


Click to see a list of current issues found in SAG10 Version 3.10.

These issues will be resolved in SAG10 Version 4.0.3. Details on another issue (already fixed in SAG10 Version 4.0) can be seen below.

Southwire’s SAG10 Version 3.10 was designed to run on the Windows® XP operating system. Many users have also been able to successfully install SAG10 Version 3.10 on the Windows 7 operating system.

To allow SAG10 Version 3.10 to run on Windows 7, please refer to the procedures outlined in Running SAG10 Version 3.10 on Windows 7. The files referenced in the guide are Flashl0b.ocx and msstdfmt.dll.

Windows 7 support for SAG10 Version 3.10 is not available beyond the documentation provided on this support page.

The 2012 edition of the NESC included changes that affect the loading tables in SAG10 Version 3.10. An explanation of those changes can be found in SAG10 Version 3.10 and 2012 NESC Tension Limit Changes. Please see the 2012 NESC Loading Tables for the loading tables referenced in that document.

Old Appendices:

Appendix H – Stringing Sag Calculations
Appendix J – Inclined Span Sag Example
Appendix L2 – Galloping Ellipses Clearance Update
Appendix P – Examples for AFL-ADSS Cables
Appendix V – Theory of Compressive Stress in Aluminum of ACSR

Appendix W – Effects of Tangent Support Stiffness on Sags at High Temperature

SAG10 Version 3.10 has undergone a number of changes in the form of patches. SAG10 Version 3.10.10, the final patch of Version 3.10, includes all of the below fixes:

  • ACSR/AW conductors have their own charts
  • Error related to carryover of offset clipping tension is corrected
  • Bug with re-opening the program in metric mode has been partly corrected
  • Bug related to incorrect metric weight for twisted pair (TP) conductors has been corrected
  • Fix for inconsistency in ACSR Twisted Pair conductor calculations
  • 3M ACCR is now available as a conductor selection
  • ACSR/TW conductors are able to calculate aluminum compression
  • Updated data and codewords for all diameter equivalent ACSR/TW conductors
  • Aluminum compression calculation fix for ACSR and ACSR/AW conductors with 12/7 stranding
  • Results page shows if aluminum compression is calculated and the value that was used
  • Fix for inconsistency in Stringing Module calculations for Twisted Pair Conductors
  • Fix for metric stringing calculations for ACSR/TW
  • Codename change for SCACAR in the ACSR database: SCACAR codenames correspond to their sizes
  • Can now enter a custom OPGW with no aluminum or aluminum alloy strands
  • Can now enter a negative coefficient of thermal expansion for ADSS cables
  • Fix for calculations of ice loading for ACSR/TP Conductors
  • New license definitions for the End User License Agreement (EULA)
  • Error related to metric stringing tables is corrected
  • Fix for reading in custom loading tables greater than 22 lines in length
*Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.