Southwire #: 55573701

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Application & Features

Southwire MCAP ® Type MC Cable - All Purpose is suitable for use as follows:

  • Wherever standard AC or MC Cable is permitted.
  • Branch circuit wiring in commercial, industrial, institutional, and multi-residential buildings.
  • Fished or embedded in plaster.
  • Concealed or exposed installations.
  • Environmental air-handling spaces per NEC 300.22 (C).
  • Places of Assembly per NEC 518.4 and theaters per NEC 520.5.
  • Installation in cable tray and approved raceways.
  • Under raised floors for information technology equipment conductors and cables per NEC 645.5(D) & 645.5(D)(2).
  • Use UL Listed Type MCI-A connectors


No. of Conductors 4 4
Size (AWG or kcmil) (mm2) 10 AWG 10 AWG
No. of Strands 1 1
Insulation Thickness (mils) (mm) 20 0.51 mils mm
Size (AWG) 8 8
Nom. OD (mils) (mm) 559 14.22 mils mm
Nominal Total Weight (lbs/1000') (kgs/km) 202 301 lbs/1000' kgs/km

Standards & References

Southwire MCAP® Type MC Cable meets or exceeds the following:

  • UL 83 • UL 1569 • UL 1063
  • UL Online Product Guide Info - Metal-Clad Cable (PJAZ) ( www.ul.com )
  • NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code), Article 330 • Federal Specification A-A59544 (formerly J-C-30B)
  • FT4/IEEE 1202 (70,000 Btu/hr) Vertical Cable Tray Flame Test
  • Listed for use in UL 1, 2, and 3 Hour Through-Penetration Firestop Systems
  • REACH/RoHS-2 (Chemical Limit) Compliant


Southwire MCAP ® Type MC Cable is constructed with solid soft-drawn copper Type THHN circuit conductors rated 90ºC dry and a full-sized bare 8000 Series aluminum grounding/bonding conductor. This cable is available in sizes 14-8 AWG. The insulated conductors are cabled together and wrapped with a binder tape bearing the print legend. The bare aluminum grounding/bonding conductor is located outside the binding tape and has the same lay as the insulated conductors. Aluminum interlocking armor is snugly applied over the assembly. The aluminum armor and bare aluminum conductor are in intimate contact and together form the equipment ground path. To ensure proper installation, refer to the installation instructions provided with every reel and coil.

  1. An armor assembly that is an equipment grounding conductor per NEC 250.118(10)(b).
  2. Installation instructions included with every reel and coil.
  3. Simplified product application and installation over other armored products.
  4. Faster conductor make-up, wiring device installation and trim-out when grounding bonding conductor is terminated per installation instructions.
  5. Reduces installation costs up to 50% over pipe and wire.
  6. UL Classified 1, 2, and 3 hour Through Penetration Firestop Systems: W-J-3037, W-L-3110, W-L-3113, W-L-3117, W-L-3120, W-L-3121, W-L-3160, C-AJ-3115, C-AJ-3140, C-AJ-3142, C-AJ-3145, C-AJ-3173, C-AJ-3202, C-AJ-4065, C-AJ-4066, F-C-3038.
  7. Cable reverse wound on reel for ease of pulling and installation. When pulling from coils, pull from inside to ensure ease of installation.
  8. Anti-short bushings are not required for use with MC cable per the NEC and UL